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Meet Alan and Karmy, Founders of Found Ministries.

Found Ministries exists for two simple reasons: To reach the lost and serve the body of Christ. We focus primarily on those who have never heard the Gospel, going where others can’t or won’t go. We place a priority on serving front line ministers living in harsh conditions, sacrificing everything for Jesus. We link arms with them and serve them in any way available to us. It may be through recording the Bible in a language in which the stories have never been spoken, providing bikes for a pastor in a persecuted location, ministering in crusades and conferences, to simply encouraging a brother or sister, we are consumed with a love for God and His people.


Found Ministries was started by Alan Crookham in 2013 as a simple ministry to raise funds for Christians in persecuted nations. It began with a missions seminar in Allen, Texas to buy bicycles for pastors of the underground church in China. Over the next three years, it grew from a handful of bicycles to feeding two thousand Kurdish refugees in Turkey, providing a clean water system for a Buddhist school in Thailand, to making contact with the unreached Wiwa tribe in Colombia. 


In 2016 Alan and Karmy, with their two sons, stepped down from their positions in Youth With a Mission in Central America, where they had served for thirteen years, to direct Found Ministries full time. Since that time, the ministry has expanded and completed projects in over a dozen nations, including Nicaragua, Nepal, Iraq, Mexico, El Salvador, and more. 


Our heart is to reach the unreached and serve the local church. We do this in a wide variety of ways, depending on the nation and location. This has been everything from providing food and clothing for ISIS survivors to taking church teams on missions trips, to telling people about Jesus in the parks of DuBois. We are a ministry that strives to be led by the Holy Spirit, and we don’t put limits on how He wants to move.

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“The spirit of Christ is the spirit of missions. The nearer we get to Him, the more intensely missionary we become.”

― Henry Martyn

We have grown to the point now that we need more missionaries on our team. We now need others who will go into these and other nations with the Gospel. We need people to boldly declare the Gospel in new and innovative ways. 


“The spirit of Christ is the spirit of missions. The nearer we get to Him, the more intensely missionary we become.”

― Henry Martyn

We have grown to the point now that we need more missionaries on our team. We now need others who will go into these and other nations with the Gospel. We need people to boldly declare the Gospel in new and innovative ways. 

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